Blog · February 13, 2017

Jan. 11: Rediscovery


Unpredicted ice sketchers

shadowed on the cold thickness,

a gaze below the waxing imperfection.

A surprise revelation

captured by only a few who move their weary eyes to wonder


the red tails of traffic break and slow

in a trance

competing with this singular miracle.


by mountains graphing their rise and fall against illumination

that draws a line between what is and

the predictable hope of



Driving on my way home from school, I was surprised to see skaters silhouetted under an almost full moon on the flat lands along highway eleven. Then, heading east, the traffic slowed as it moved towards the rising moon. It was big and awesome. The mountains were black against its light. These words spilled out of my head as I drove and came home to write them down.

– January 11, 2017, a very cold, clear night