Blog · September 11, 2016

Sept. 11: A wordless narrative

img_4514A sunset. The vast expanse of a prairie field. A bird taking flight. These images, captured by my friend’s lens, tell a story. My eye takes in the narrative. I experience her interpretation of struggle and challenge; joy and contentment.

Nature has a voice.

I read Psalm 19. I am reminded that the heavens and sky pour forth speech. There is no language where their voice is not heard. God’s creation – calling us to take notice and pay attention.

See the story and learn.

My students investigate and search. Their eyes observe detail as they connect nature with themselves and their own experiences. A tree. It’s name. A discovery that opens up a possibility of metaphor; their roots, their leaves and their fruit.

A wordless narrative.

Inviting. Calling us to find ourselves in the beauty of its story.