Blog · May 30, 2017

April 2: A Spiral of Stories

A Spiral of StoriesPATTERNITY_SPIRALLING-STAIRS_christopher-wrens-monument

The all too familiar spiral

that guides and inspires

our desire to move upward.

A series of turning points

that are challenged through critique and reflection

modelling inquiry.

A shifted posture

and framework for learning.

Is it not through the space of telling and listening

of sharing experience

that we find ourselves traversing this path?

This journey where language becomes the map

and proficiency the goal.

When greater orality is constructed

through practice,

and pathways are opened

as we talk our way up to understanding.

Meaningful conversation found in this ever-changing zone.

Embryonic in form, until

once again,


Emotions evoked by the body’s senses.

Mysterious games in which we

create and destroy,

conceal and reveal,

until Transformation

emerges as the hero.

All this

grounded in story

forwarded towards reframe.

There is no end on this praxis.

Just a middle,

where we pause

and contemplate

to make sense of the plot.


and twisting our way along.


and challenging our steps

as we negotiate the story line.


formation and pathway become one.

Stories climb




We pay attention, are astonished by connection.

We value strength in an inherent passion of community.

We honour authentic places, sacred openings and invitations taken.

We place care as the centrepiece.

As in a mirror

we see

a healthy tension of mediation.

Self and other,

change and renewal.

The power of paradox that punctuates

this story.

Our stories

actively embraced, expanding our hearts.

In the unknown

and in-between.

A place of liminality.

Where the quiet meets the storm.

We are called to thrive and grow here

in the spacious place

from where cries a story.

A lesson.

Propelling us forward


growth and
