Blog · July 13, 2016

July 13: Filling my backpack

My metaphorical backpack is being filled. What more do I need to survive in the wilderness of teaching and learning? To be honest, some bug repellent would be helpful. I need the personal fortitude to say “no” to ideas, concepts and even people who are not valuable to my learning at this time. A magical bug repellent would protect me from negative, unhelpful influences and keep me focussed on the good stuff.

IMG_4010Maybe a ladder isn’t something that fits into a backpack, but some hikers/campers feel this is a necessary item to bring along. I think a ladder would help me keep my goals in perspective – taking little steps at a time. I like the idea of having a place to reach, but not being expected to get there in one step.

A ladder also provides perspectives that would otherwise be unattainable. Climbing to the top may be terrifying (I’m afraid of heights), but the view at the top is usually unexpected and rewarding.

Finally, a good book. Yes, to keep humour, love and imagination in place. Remembering and valuing life’s narrative keeps experiences real, meaningful and connected. A story shared and heard expands our understanding of who we are and how we fit into this journey called life.