Blog · March 28, 2016

March 26: A Saturday between

IMG_3184A Saturday between. In the midst of lent I find myself living Saturday. With Good Friday behind and Easter Sunday ahead, this Saturday has traditionally taken on a no-man’s-land-type existence; an insignificant day in my wanderings and searching for resurrection meaning.
Today I find myself questioning this seemingly apathetic approach. Is there purpose to a day that is straddled by such oppositions; the darkness of crucifixion and the liberating light of a resurrected Jesus? In his “Lent Project” devotional, Brett McCracken reflects that there is a struggle on this Sabbath and in this conflict of “finding peace and rest amid abandonment and uncertainty” we see “a metaphor for existence at large.” This unobserved Saturday steps forward and reminds me that all of life is the stretch between. I have no choice but to live in this dynamic space of love, regret, disappointment and hope. It is a messy, mediated place where we strive and work to find some kind of meaning and peace. I cannot ignore Saturday. It is my life. But how do I navigate in this tension? We live best when our Saturday is redefined by the relationship that exists between the Friday and Sunday. This is made clear when Christ’s death on the cross is redeemed by His resurrection. In Ephesians 1:18-19, Paul points out that the connection between the darkness of death and the light of the resurrection is found in the power that Christ exerted when He rose from the dead. But more importantly and personally, this same power can redefine how I live my Saturday.