Blog · March 19, 2016

March 19: Remembering and Anticipating: A Visit to My Spacious Place

IMG_3148 (2)On Thursday, we took some time to drive to Cultus Lake to visit my spacious place. It was a beautiful evening with the sun highlighting the many shades of greens and browns that come with the arrival of spring. As we meandered upward, the familiar anticipation of seeing this open field grew in me once again. Rounding the corner, I became disillusioned with the view. The expansiveness had been replaced by a newly planted crop of blueberries.

A small cabin had been built on the western edge and many of the majestic cedars that had once lined the space were gone. It was disappointing to say the least. My memory tried to evoke the old feelings; to recall how I had imagined running unhindered and free in this place that had been untouched and preserved.
My husband suggested we find a new spacious place. I couldn’t. The reason why I felt it was sacred in the first place was because in some way the image had been given to me as a gift; a way of understanding that there are places in our experiences that offer rescue and delight, hope and peace.

In the end, I realized that there will be other spacious places in my future. Cherishing this particular one will be something I will always do. It has provided connections and insights as well as comfort and a place to breath through challenges and changes over the past years. I am thankful for that. I am anticipating another spacious place that may look quite different from the one overlooking Cultus Lake. I will be patient and wait.