Blog · November 5, 2015

Nov. 5: Getting Ready

I learned a few things from the last time we used the Adobe Voice App on our i-pads. So before using it again, I made some changes. First, instead of using our school set of i-pads, I was fortunate to be able to borrow a set of five mini i-pads for long-term use. I could take these home and format them for each individual student. To prepare, I took pictures from the student’s story maps (with the Adobe Voice camera) and created 8 frames (an intro., 6 pictures and an ending) for each student. These frames would act as prompts for my students when they told their stories. I must admit, that this was time consuming. I realized though, that I was scaffolding their use of technology and with further practice, my students would be able to take pictures and prepare their own frames. Secondly, I decided that it would be more effective if my students could record privately in a quiet spot. It was a bit difficult to find places – a few of my students recorded in the art supply room! I was able to get another adult to circulate a few times and make sure my students were on task. With these changes in place I hoped for better results.