Blog · October 30, 2015

October 30: Telling the Wall Using a Story Map

IMG_2192 (1)Lesson six: Today’s lesson was about putting together a few of the scaffolding techniques we had learned.  The students were ready to re-tell the story of “The Tailor” using their story maps as prompts and the wall as a listener. I reviewed the story, remembering to recall some of the repeated text (“at least it seemed to be all worn out”) and story patterns (the repeated use of articles of clothing). The students were then asked to find a place facing the wall and tell the story. A few things that I noticed: almost all of the children were engaged in the activity; the students used their story mapping prompts exclusively; a few students found it hard to get started and needed some support from me. Gavin, an ELL student spoke in short phrases without using any connections or repeated phrases.

Others, like Tanner and Marley were comfortable with the rhythm of the story and recalled the patterns and repeated portions easily. Veronique used a clear voice with some expression. Jordan, who often needs encouragement in speaking activities gave this task effort.

Scaffolding used: “telling the wall”, story mapping, storytelling